Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm Pregnant!!

I'm not sure if anyone stops by here anymore I haven't posted in a while. But I wanted to share our good news I'm Pregnant! After nearly a year of trying and bad news on DH male factor infertility we got here naturally. We are very excited, my due date is on my Birthday June 6th.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Could this be it?

Well I'm 8dpo today and I have had a lot of symptoms over the past few days. My temps have been awesome really high! with a dip at 6dpo which could indicate implantation. 7dpo and 8dpo I have been cramping and having twinges on the right side. My breasts have been really sore. The newest symptom I have had is this metallic taste in my mouth it lasts about a minute like blood in mouth and then its disappears. I read that that can be a sign of early pregnancy. I can't wait to POAS, I'm nervous and excited, however I don't want to get too excited. I guess only time will tell. If I'm not PG then back to trying again, I will be a Mum someday.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm sitting here with tears running down my cheeks. DH Semen Analysis came back abnormal. His % of normal sperm cells were only 3% which should be %15. Agglutination he has a mild form of and his Viscosity is 2 which it should be 3 to 4. At this rate we'll be lucky to conceive naturally. Right now all I want to do is curl up and cry for hours and hours. It's not fair, it's hard enough with me just having issues why does DH have to have issues also. I can't take this, why me? why him? why us? :-(

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moving Forward

We are moving forward in the TTC process, last week I had an appointment with my OBGYN. She has ordered a bunch of tests and we'll formulate a plan when everything comes back. Saturday I went for my blood work for the PCOS panel including the Glucose Tol Test. I had some of my results back I'd like your opinions on the 1hr glucose test my numbers dropped and I'm kinda worried about that. These were drawn on CD12.

Fasting Glucose - 87
Fasting Insulin - 14

1hr Glucose - 66 and has a L next to it does this mean it's low?
1hr Insulin - 13.8 and has a L next to it does this mean it's low?

2hr Glucose - 96
2hr Insulin - 51.9

TSH  - 1.84 FSH - 5.3 and LH - 18.9 Prolactin 11.6 Estradiol 200

I am waiting for my sex hormone and Testosterone. 

Tomorrow DH has his SA test and he's kinda nervous about it. It took me a while to even get him to make an appointment but after a few days of procrastinating he booked it for tomorrow. I'm going with him as he wanted me there, think he's rather nervous about it.

Guess what another one of my friends is PG so I'm going to have 2 friends close by going through pregnancies.  Please can I be next, please!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Soul Searching

I've done a lot of soul searching the last couple of days, and something has been made clear to me. I'm not going to wait I'm going to carry on TTC for better or worse. Yet another one of my Facebook friends announced that she was PG. Every time I hear a PG announcement I feel like a bigger piece of me is missing. The hubs and I have talked and if he doesn't find work when a baby finally arrives then I will go back to work and he will be a stay at home dad for a while. My dream is for me to stay home but if that doesn't work out then that's fine. Hopefully if I do get PG my pregnancy won't be high stress and I can carry on working. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I'm going to go with the flow and see what happens you can't plan everything the way you want. Hopefully the hubs will find work soon.

So next month it's back to temping, my new insurance kicks in soon. So I'm going to make an appointment to see what's going on, 5mths still no PG however I am getting regular cycles. Maybe I'm not ovulating strong enough. We shall see. I do want to thank everyone for your kind messages advice and support. :-)

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's been a while I have been so busy with my new job I haven't really focused too much on TTC. DH and I are not really preventing, however I haven't really tempted in a while. AF arrived on time last month so I'm still getting regular cycles. My heart is still aching for a little baby it's been so strong over the last few days, and now a friend I've become really close too is now expecting. I'm going to see her pregnancy progress and will wish everyday I was PG.

I can't decide what to do whether to carry on temping and watch my cycles closely or just wing it and see what happens. I really don't want to prevent, however DH still hasn't found work. I feel like I'm in a rock and a hard place all I know is that these feelings aren't going away they are so strong.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things Happen for a Reason

Today has been such an emotional day, it started out with AF arriving. I was so disappointed seeming I had such a huge temp spike yesterday. I am glad however that I am getting AF regularly every month it shows that my body is working right now and it must mean that I'm ovulating regularly.

This afternoon I get a call from a Graphic company I interviewed last week. Looking back I feel I answered some questions wrong. But guess what? I got the job!! I am so excited and can't believe it. I'm hoping our luck is turning around.

I am nervous though starting a new job. I do want some people's opinions though do you all think we should continue with TTC right now? Money won't be a problem seeming I'll have a nice new job, but I worry if I become PG before Clay get's a job. Again it's what ifs? I just wanted some opinions on the matter.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Major temp rise

My temp shot up this morning to 98.5 the highest it's ever been. I was so excited I took a test BFN. I was looking at the test and imagining there was a line, what am I crazy or something?  - I even took the test apart to examine it closer. I think I might have a couple of screws loose or something.

In other news a couple of my facebook friends have announced that they are expecting. I''m happy for them I really am. I just wish I could say that without feeling the green eyed monster lurking behind me. Jealously is a horrible feeling, and I wonder when will it be our turn.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I am 11dpo and I'm surprised I haven't tested yet. I think a part of me thinks I'm not even PG this month as I didn't have much of a chance. I guess we shall see what happens.

On another note I'm debating on closing this blog down. Not many people come by and comment and I rarely visit other people's blogs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Here we go again.

Well here I am again in the 2 week wait, apparently I'm currently 3dpo. I'm not holding out much hope for this cycle as it looks like my O day was 3-4 days early. My chart clearly shows that I had a thermal shift on CD16 FF also gave me my crosshairs on that day. My CM wasn't even fertile around that time and I'm not even getting EWCM anymore the first month I was off the pill I had loads of it last month nothing this month nothing. It just seems to be watery. I haven't been getting any positive OPKs funnily enough I started testing on CD16 so it looks like I did probably O then and I missed the surge a couple of days before.

It's just so frustrating the last two cycles were CD19 and 20 and now it's gone to CD16 there's no way of catching it if my O day is jumping all over the place. I very much doubt we will get a BFP this month as we only really had one Bedding session on CD14. It's possible but I highly doubt it.

Cre from Confessions of a TTC-A-Holic nominated me for an award. I must list 10 things that make my day and then list 10 blogs who deserve this award.  Wow - only 10?  If I nominate you, please do the same on your blog!

Here goes: 10 things that make my day:

1.  My husband telling me he loves me.
2.  Having the strength to go all the way on a trail walk.
3.  Being blessed that I've made some new friends on and off line.
4.  Thankful that I can still be apart of my family even if they are so many miles away.
5.  Going Bowling with friends.
6.  I'm amazed at how much my husband adores me.
7.  Proud that we made it out of Target without spending more than $75
8. Finding a nice frame at Michaels to frame a Christmas gift. Then finding out the Frame was on sale.
9. Returning a throw for the Sofa at Target and finding an even better one I liked and it was cheaper. 
10. Curling up on the sofa with the Hubs and watching a movie.

For my list of 10 Deserving Blogs:

1. Wstful Girl
2. Barren Blog
3. Letters To My Unborn Child
4. Confessions of an (Infertile) Shopaholic
5. Not a Fertile Myrtle
6. A hope and a wish for a gift from a petri dish
7. Woman Anyone?
8. Inconceivable
9. No Lingerie Here
10. Adventures in Baby Waiting

Oh BTW I also managed to get a feed going on my blog, so hopefully you'll be able to pick up my latest posts. You may want to update your links to refresh my blog.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Pumpkin Baby

AF has been and gone and now I'm on CD7. I just realized that if we get a BFP this month we will be looking at a Thanksgiving baby. I'm so excited at the thought of this!! A little Pumpkin baby :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear AF,

Thank you for the visit last month we had an interesting time together. However I really wish you hadn't stopped by this month especially 2 days early. I mean you should have called first to warn me you were on the way. Next month please don't show up at all your not really welcome, but I guess if you have to stop by please leave me a message and let me know when you'll show up.

Thank you

Monday, February 1, 2010


I'm 10dpo today and my temp went back up slightly so that's a good thing. Last night I was getting AF type cramps but I'm not due for another 5days. They have gone now so I don't know what is going on.

Been doing a lot of soul searching the last couple of days about the whole TTC journey and where DH and I are now. It's funny how I look at other couples lives and are actually jealous of what they have. Why is it so easy for them to fall into jobs have a nice house and have a family? I am literally desperate to have all those things and yet nothing is happening. I know I haven't been an Angel all the of the time I have done things I'm not proud of but I still think I deserve all those things. It's gotten to the point where I can't watch baby shows or shows like House Hunters cause I feel really jealous of those people living their lives and we are stuck in some sort of rut.

I guess I have to have hope and faith that things will work out for the best but sometimes it doesn't make life right now any easier.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Opinions Please

Just wanted to get a quick opinion from you ladies. FF is bouncing between CD15 - CD16 - CD19 for O day. I took away my positive opk on CD16 and it changed it back to 15. But in your opinion which day looks more like O day? I thought it looked more like CD15 or CD19. If I take out all my positive opks then it changes my crosshairs to cd19.

It makes more sense for it to be CD19 as I Od CD20 last month, but if it is CD19 then I'm bummed cause we didn't bed then, seeming it looked like I Od CD15 the last time we bd was CD17 lets hope the little guys lasted that long, I think they can last 48hrs right?

Monday, January 18, 2010


I'm a bit confused with how things are going this cycle. I have had dry CM for days now and suddenly I have creamy CM. My temps have been really crazy and today I inputted my temp and I got some croshairs Od on CD12. After checking CM this morning I decided to test and use an OPK, I think it's starting to turn positive. It looks like it did when I got positives last month, there is a thin darker line to the left.

I'm also getting slight cramps like I did last month before O. So now we need to get to Bding. I'm hoping FF is wrong and I didn't O CD12 I inputted a positive OPK today and the crosshairs went away. I didn't test CD12 cause I figured I would O around the same time this month. I guess not!

So we will have to see, I hope we haven't missed our chance this month.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Cycle

I'm feeling a lot better now that AF has been and gone, I'm looking forward to this cycle and seeing what happens. I now have a basis to work off I know how long my cycle is and what to expect.

I'm currently rearranging my furniture in the bedroom to make room for a little one. I doubt very much we'll be moving before a little one arrives but you never know. I actually wouldn't mind staying in this one bedroom cottage until we have enough money saved for a down payment on a house. Clayton has to get a good job first, speaking of which Clayton has a job interview on Tuesday fingers crossed. I'm praying to the Angles for a bit of luck.

Monday, January 4, 2010

AF is here :(

TMI I went to go check CM and my finger was red. I didn't think I'd be this disappointed, but I am. I thought it was OK if I didn't get PG this month, "there's always next month" that's what I kept telling myself. Yes, that is the case but I had many people tell me I could be more fertile coming off the pill. So I had a good chance and that got my hopes up. I was hoping I got PG right away so I didn't have to go through the infertility problems associated with PCOS. Yeah right! I bet my PCOS is laughing in my face right now. I guess I was naive to think I'd have an easy time of it.

Sorry for the depressing post but I'm feeling real crappy right now. AF didn't just arrive she brought a whole new load of different symptoms with her. When I was on the pill AF was mild compared to what she's putting me through right now. I have awful lower back pain I can't even turn my hip without moaning in pain. My upper thighs are killing me I feel like I've done a major workout.

Well I guess there's always next month.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Well 2010 is here I'm hoping this year will be filled with joy. I'm currently 12dpo I did cave and take a test and it was a BFN I think I might have tested to early though. I am getting a little frustrated and inpatient waiting to find out if AF will arrive or if I get a BFP. Seeming this is my first time off the pill in 10yrs I have no idea what my cycles are like. As for symptoms I don't have as much aching as I did I'm getting wired cramps occasionally. Not AF cramps, they are sharp in the middle of my stomach and sometimes on my side. Today I experienced something new the pain shot right down into my vagina area it only lasted about a minute but it was well wired. I'm also getting sharp pain under my arm near my breast.

I guess the only thing I can do now is continue waiting and waiting.